Wecome To Politics In America

We in the Coffee Grinder Group believe that what America needs is effective government, not necessarily bigger government.That we need our private and public sectors working together to improve the lives of all Americans.
Although we feel that both the private and public sectors in any country have their strengths and weaknesses, it seems that we Americans have lost the willingness that we had in the past to make these sectors work well together. We need to find a new American way to accomplish this again, not the European way, nor following the standards of any other source, but our way! Right now these sectors are in divorce court, and because of this, the members of many factions, the children of our great country are suffering. We need to bring the public and private sectors together again to work toward a common goal, to bring our country together and restore to greatness, our American Democratic System of Government.

'Economic Laws are not made by nature they are made by Human Beings' FDR

US inequality (Gini index) is 45, highest level since 1967 and the greatest disparity among western industrialized nations! Examples: Austria 26, Germany 27, Italy 32, Canada 32.1, France 32.7, India 36.8 and England at 35. Our inequality is closest to some of the poorest countries in the world such as; Rwanda 46.8, Mexico 48.2 and Sri Lanka at 49!

1979 to 2007 the rich got a lot richer! Top earners 275% middle 40% low 18%!

"Every American should be able to find a job, that can support a family." Hillary Rodham Clinton

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Supreme's are Supreme!

 Conservative Chief Justice John Roberts surprises the nation and upholds 'Affordable Health Care Act'. The Individual Mandate, Constitutional!


  1. What we really need is to bring the cost of health care down. Durable goods, supplies services etc.We also need tort reform. Doctors are paying to much in insurance, which just gets passed on to patients and the patients insurance company. Which of course raises everyone's premiums. We all have to join in and be responsible. I recently had to use the emergency room because I ran out of my allergy medication. Not having a ten cent pill cost my insurance company $2,700 dollars! It would have been my bill had I not had insurance.

  2. This is still a great day for the Health Care System in the US. We finally caught up with the rest of the civilized world.
    There is no going back, the law will only improve from here. We just need to keep an eye on the Republicans because they are going to try every evil trick in the book to eradicate this law.

  3. Yes and here are some more facts: There are 350,000,000 million people in this country, out those 30,000,000 don't have health care now. Only 1% of the total population will be effected by a mandated tax. Which means that only 10% of the uninsured will be taxed, leaving 90% of those uninsured eligible for coverage with any penalty!

  4. Now the Republicans want to repeal and replace the ACA but with what? Their current plan is don't get sick and if you do..die quickly. Right now the US ranks 50th in the world for life expectancy. One person dies every 20 minutes and 42,000 people die every year because they don't have Health Insurance. With the ACA the health care system will only get better.
